Church Security Case Studies

Latest client success stories

Church Security and Surveillance

St Mary The Virgin Church, Weston Turville: Thieves Convicted!

A system was installed following a series of lead thefts across Buckinghamshire. The church had been targeted on two separate occasions and costs of repair were proving far more than the insurance would cover. A camera system was subsequently installed by Ace Defence within a few days of notification. After a few weeks the suspects returned and were captured on the roof. Key holders were contacted and in turn the police who prioritised resources. Despite being a rural setting they had units on scene within minutes as the call was also confirmed by ‘live video’. The operator activated the siren to disturb them and prevent further damage. Church staff met police at the church and at no point were placed at any risk. Police arrested two suspects at the scene who were given hefty sentences. Intelligence was also gathered on major gangs working in the area.

"Both males got charged for offences and are to appear in court in the near future. It was down to your system that you had in place that allowed us a speedy arrival to scene. Don’t worry about attending Court, both are pleading guilty."
PC 7008 MILLINER Thames Valley Police

St Margarets Church, Luddington: Thieves Stopped!

The church had suffered an extensive lead theft, so Ace Defence were instructed to supply a roof alarm to protect it from further thefts. Within a few weeks of the new lead being installed a pair of lead thieves were captured on the roof in the early hrs of the morning. Police were quickly called by church staff and they treated it as an urgent call because there was evidence a crime was in progress. They were on scene within minutes and the siren was also activated by an op-erator as this was a confirmed intrusion. The suspects decamped on hearing the siren and seeing police attend. A further costly lead theft was prevented.

"We are very pleased with how the alarm worked and stopped the thieves this time."
Sarah Wills, Church Warden, St Margarets, Luddington in the Brook

All Souls Church, Harlesden: Suspect Arrested!

A suspect was detected by the Ace Defence video roof alarm, in the early hrs of the morning acting suspiciously. The key holder called police using the ‘999’ system. As there was real time video confirmation a unit was on scene within minutes. A suspect was detained and questioned by police. The suspect claimed he was on the roof hiding from people he feared were going to assault him. The video evidence supplied to the police contradicts his story and provides confirmed evidence he was on the roof to steal the lead. Charges are imminent.

St Mary’s Church Slough: Thieves Thwarted!

Following a series of thefts where a large quantity of lead had been taken from St Mary’s Church off Slough High Street, the PCC were keen to take action. To assist in dealing with the problem, Ace Defence installed their MAC camera system and a number of their motion sensor detectors with built in cameras to secure the leaded roof area of the church. It was fitted in within days as there was an urgent need. Within a couple of weeks the suspects returned and were caught on camera. The siren was activated by the operator and the key holder was contacted and then the police. Police were on scene within minutes, treating this as an urgent call with ‘suspects on scene’. The suspects decamped quickly after being disturbed by the siren, before they had a chance to cause any damage or theft.

St Leonards, Sandridge

The system successfully caught thieves attempting to steal lead. The church warden called police and met them on site shortly after the call. The suspects were disturbed and left having caused minimal damage.

"Having purchased our roof alarm after having some lead stolen from the roof I am pleased to say that within a year the system paid for itself by thwarting a further attempt to steal the lead. Installation was trouble free and completed quickly."
Jennifer Dundon, Church Warden, St Leonards

St Andrews Church, Hagbourne

The church called in Ace Defence following a recent lead theft. Within a few days of the installation thieves were captured on the roof removing lead. Police were called by church staff and they deployed a an aerial and dog unit as there was real time evidence of a crime in pro-gress. The suspects decamped on hearing the siren and seeing police attend. Consequently sub-stantial costs of damage and theft were thwarted.