Construction Case Studies

Having already used ACE Defence on a number of sites in the Bristol area, Bovis requested us to look after a site at Shirehampton in Bristol. It was anticipated that this site would see high activity because of its locality to a troubled estate. ACE installed a system with a 3 day turnaround. The system quickly started seeing results. Within 24 hrs days 2 youths were caught on the cameras breaking into the compound. Police were called and as they had video evidence of a real time offence, deployed a helicopter and dogs. 2 youths were arrested at the scene, before they had a chance to empty the contents of the show homes. Then on each of the subsequent weekends further groups of youths broke in to steal from the site. Each was again picked up by the cameras and on each occasion police attended and arrested suspects with aerial support. Activity on the site has now seen a rapid decline in incidents, with alternative softer neighboring sites being targeted.

A number of major house builders have been using our services extensively in the South of the UK to protect their assets and we now look after more than 30 sites for them. The driving force has been for us to deliver enhanced security and health and safety, whilst cutting costs on current methods. Our unique pallet cam allows quick and easy deployment of our wireless video sensors to a site. There is no cable and as the devices are battery operated. they can be easily relocated as a project evolves. In all cases where we have installed the systems we have made substantial savings to current manned guarding costs. The site managers now know when someone is on site that shouldn’t be there, enhancing the health and safety and restricting the number of accidents faced by unauthorized persons on the site. All our systems are monitored 24/7 by our control centre. All activations are responded to within minutes with the video emailed to mobile devices for confirmation. Our operators will call the police and a key holder. There is also the facility to activate a strobe/siren as well as 2 way audio.